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The competence of educators in regard to prevention of violence and chicane among children

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Submission brings results of research inquiry into chosen attitudes, knowledges and skills of pedagogical workers. Competences and their parts relevant to efficient detection, diagnosis and prevention of chicane among children were investigated.

Aim of the study was to judge level of these competences in two groups of pedagogical workers - teachers and pedagogues - in regard to their level of education, the length of work experience and other variables. Research tool was a questionnaire, that was determining attitudes and knowledges by using both open and closed questions.

Furthermore by model situation analysis the questionnaire investigated the level application of these skills and knowledges. Model situations were also a starting point for half-structured interviews with chosen respondents.

Result of this quantitatively-qualitative investigation are significant observations and findings, that can contribute to todays discussion about preparation of pedagogical workers and about their actual needs i