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Vitamin D 2019 - standardization and chaos. Miniature model of the presentation of Vitamin D 2019 - standardization and chaos. Miniature model of the presentation of laboratory science at present

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Current problems of 25 OH vitamin D measurement and interpretation of its results have mixed character. Positive influence of standardization via VDSP and negative chaotic problems caused by using immunochemistry methodology, lack of standardization in 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D measurement and poor, in practice not applicable methodology for free vitamin D.

Some recent publications deal with problems of vitamin D supplementation are main source of data of our introduced work. There is clear that low concentrations of vitamin D are pandemic, but problem of cut off values for deficiency remains.

Also personalized approach for vitamin D results is not adequately developed. Information in paper and electronic periodical have often very low quality.

Basic factors for increase quality of informatics about supplementation problems are as follows: strict use of reference LC-MS/MS methods in supplementation studies, recalculation of older studies by recalibration of results of their materials from biobanks, use of monitoring CYP24A1by use of VMR (24,25 (OH)2 / 25 (OH).