March 2020 changed our lives, turned them upside down. In a few months, the new virus found its way from China not only to us, but infected the whole world.
Planet Earth has been quarantined. The virus is spreading at a dizzying rate, hospitals are bursting at the seams and the number of victims is rising.
The wildest images from catastrophic films suddenly became a reality. The whole world stopped, as if suddenly were nothing but the disease.
Practically from day to day we had to start behaving differently than we were used to. Generations of humanity have never experienced anything like this.
A pandemic places not only enormous demands on society as a whole, but also an inexhaustible number of questions. Where did the virus come from? As China hid the information? Could we have prevented the infection in some way? When and how can we cope with coronavirus? How have pandemics changed humanity in history? And will the coronavirus change us? Is economics more important than health? How long it will take to recover? And is there a place for freedom in an emergency? Will it not strengthen authoritarian tendencies? This crisis is a chance for humanity? Can it bring anything positive?