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Karel Engliš's metodology of social sciences in comparison with work of Friedrich A. Hayek

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The aim of this article is to analyse Karel Engliš's methodology of social sciences in comparison with work of Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992).

Karel Engliš (1880-1961) is the most influential economist of the interwar era of Czech and Czechoslovak economics, that being true both in the sphere of theory and practical policy.Engliš was a member of the so called Brno School of Economics. It developed and used its own particular methodology of social sciences and economics in particular based on teleological conception of economic phenomena.

This conception of economics is in some aspects similar to that of the better known Austrian School of Economics, that consequently developed by the end of 20th Century into one of the most influential heterodox school of economics and which uses a teleological methodology of its own. This article points out some similarities and differences between both variations of the teleologically based Schools of Economics, using the work of Karel Engliš and Friedrich A.

Hayek as the referential points.