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The electoral law in the perspective and retrospective view

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The 30th anniversary of the return of democracy to the territory of the Czech Republic offers a good opportunity to consider the development in the last decades and to look to the future. Very closely to the democracy the electoral law is bounded, and the electoral law underwent during the last 30 years a lot of changes.

The society changed and its attitude and the attitude of its members to the elections, questions, who should be eligible to vote and be elected, changed too. The electoral systems and ways of voting are discussed.

Actual moment of considerations offers an opportunity to think over, what is the purpose of the elections, on which principles they are and should be based and after this return to the roots we can consider the future changes of the electoral law. The article mentions the issues of the mental capacity as a base for limitation of the electoral rights of the voter, the issue of voting days, electronic voting, voting abroad and about the possibility to grant the electoral rights to the foreigners.