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According to Whom Jews Displease God and Are Hostile to Everyone, or How Harsh Towards Jews Could Have Been the Apostle Paul?

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Anti-Jewish attacks in 1 Thess 2:13-16 can cause embarrassment, since they expose Paul to the charge of instigating an anti-Semitism, yet unjustly so, having been already, by Birger A. Pearson and other authorities, sufficiently proved to be an interpolation from the period after the destruction of the temple in 70 CE.

Efforts to vindicate the authenticity of the whole passage while at the same time mitigating the universality of its anti-Jewish effect are inefficient, since the problematic content of the passage is often being sought to be explained only assuming the authenticity, or if the main objections against the authenticity are alleged to have been argued away especially by Frank D. Gilliard or Jon A.

Weatherly, it is not the case actually. In the paper their reasoning is disproved and further supplementary observations are put forward in support of the interpolation hypothesis.

Paul thus need not be considered an author of this passage and, therefore, sought to be exculpated from the above mentioned charge, since in fact the interpolator is the one to face it.