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Selected gymnastic exercises for flexibility developmentof hip joints in karate training



This quas-experimental project is focused on selected gymnastic exercises for flexibility development of hip joints in two groups of karatists with different length of training practice. We selected 18 probands from two groups - a group of moderately advanced (10) and a group of advanced (8) aged 6-11 years.

Probands have completed a movement programme aimed at developing flexibility in the hip joints (containing static, dynamic and theraband exercises). Meantime all probands underwent initial, first control, second control and output measurements using the SFTR method every four weeks of the movement programme.

We used for analysing data the Mann-Whitney test and the Effect size estimate. Result showed, that in both groups the joint range in the hip joint was improved, especially in the first control measurement (after static exercises).

Overall, there is a slight increase in both groups from input to output for all movements. The effect of the exercise on the mobility of the hip joint was not proved, as well as the effect of different types of exercises in both groups with different length of training practice.