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Microsurgical versus endoscopic surgery for non-functioning pituitary adenomas: a retrospective study

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Aim To compare microsurgical technique (mTSS) and endoscopic technique (eTSS) in the treatment of non-functioning pituitary adenomas (NFPAs). Methods We retrospectively evaluated the charts of 50 patients who underwent either mTSS or eTSS for NFPA in the Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Hradec Kralove from 2013 to 2019.

We enrolled all patients who were not treated by postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy and who underwent at least two regular postoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests. We compared the groups in terms of the extent of resection, surgery duration, blood loss, complication rate, overall clinical effect on the endocrinological and ophthalmological deficit, and postoperative growth pattern of the residual tumor mass.

Results The mTSS group had significantly shorter surgical time (75 min vs 127 min, P< 0.001) and lower perioperative blood loss (156 mL vs 256 mL, P=0.027). The groups did not significantly differ in the extent of resection, overall clinical or hormonal effect, and the complication rate.

The extent of resection did not correlate with tumor consistency, while the tumor growth rate did not correlate with age or Ki-67 expression. Conclusions There was no major difference between the approaches in surgery radicality or safeness.

However, eTSS remains the method of choice due to its potentially higher postoperative preservation of hormonal functions.