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John Amos Comenius and the phenomenon and symbol of the game

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The historical and philosophical paper focuses on development of Comenius' opinions concerning both the phenomenon and symbol of the game in transformation of his didactic into pansophic works. To analyze his definition of the game generally and the use in concrete practice, especially pedagogical one, is the main aim.

To remind a bit rusty method of synkrisis is the secondary aim. The hermeneutic method is used to reach these aims.

Emphasis is put on contexts of occurrence of keys words in relevant works and reinterpretation of the concept schola ludus, resonating with current attempts to make reforms in the education system. Our interpretation comprehend this concept as the symbol of the whole school system where the game represents ease, pleasantness and absence of any kind of pressure, yet within clearly formulated set of rules.

The phrase "empathetic and disciplined playful work" is adequate interpretation of schola ludus in teaching according to our research. We consider often promoted understanding of it as an entertaining teaching or playing during classes for misinterpretation or ignorance of real Comenius' thinking.

Discussion is focused both on the Czech works concerning our topic from the field of kinanthropology and on searching for analogies with later world works from the field of ludology. Finally we update Comenius' thoughts and appreciate especially his combination of playfulness and seriousness.