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Czech Republic: Sport Tourism Development - Between Tradition and New Trends

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Sport tourism within the Czech Republic has deep roots and a relatively long tradition as well and represents part of tourism in general. There are not special statistical data on sport tourism but the tourism represents important part of Czech economy with almost 3% contribution to GDP.

Sport and tourism are included separately in important stat documents and legislation. Nevertheless, official documents deal with topics important for sustainability of sport and tourism.

After 1990, new opportunities for private enterprise led to the emergence of small and large business in sport and tourism. It has helped a lot to develop sport tourism and give offer to many new participants.

The cycling and running belong to most popular sport tourism activities. The Mattoni 1/2 Marathon in Ústí nad Labem was analyzed as an example of sport tourism and route races development.

The run is highly professionalized and supported by municipal and regional authorities. This race attracts mainly participants with a higher socio-economic status in the productive age of 30-50 years.

The education level and the reasons for taking part in the race indicate that most respondents consciously reflect on their own life. The run may be described as a "family" or "social" event with fast growing popularity and recognition, with more non-resident than local people.