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Multiscale Poincaré Plots Analysis of Nystagmus Amplitude Variability During Rotation on Bárány Chair

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


This article describes the application of nonlinear methods in the form of Multiscale Poincaré plots for the purpose of evaluating the variability of the horizontal amplitudes of nystagmus during bilateral stimulation on Bárány chair. This new approach can provide additional information for the needs of evaluating vestibular system disorders.

The evaluated parameters were areas of the 95% confidence ellipses of amplitudes per- and post-rotational nystagmuses. 3D VOG glasses were used to assess the vestibulo-ocular reflex induced by the trapezoidal acceleration stimulation. A total of 10 volunteers without neurological disorders involved in the pilot measurement (5 males: mean age 23.4 years, 5 females: mean age 22.8 years).

Jarque-Bera test did not show normal distribution of the data and results did not confirm the difference between ellipses surfaces per- and post-rotational nystagmus amplitudes, even for different coarse grained parameters Σs (s = 1-4). For further research, it would be advisable to focus on lower coarse grained Σs parameters.