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The Role of Foreign Contributors from France and the United States in the International Strategy of the Czech Periodical Sociologická Revue and Its Redacting Team in the 1930s

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Three French sociologists (Bouglé, Duprat and Richard), as well as three sociologists from the United States (Hasek, Rouček and Sorokin), exclusively represented Western sociology in a list of nine foreign collaborators, which featured from 1933 to 1940 on the first page of the Czech periodical Sociologická revue. Duprat and Richard were evidently included in this list at a time when the Masaryk Sociological Society, whose publishing organ was the Sociologická revue, played a significant role in the resumed activities of the International Institute of Sociology.

The collaboration of the three "American" sociologists was more participative. It answered the urgent need, according to the revue's redacting team, to inform readers on the latest developments in the field from America.

The names of Bouglé, and above all Sorokin, undoubtedly represented in this list a symbolic advantage for the revue's redacting team and its international strategy.