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Persistent hyaloid artery - perform a surgery or not?

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The review points to the issues of persistent hyaloid artery, more precisely to possible clinical features, the influence on visual functions and potential complications during intraocular surgeries. In professional journals we can find just few reviews regarding this rare deviation of the eye development, therefore we want to present our experience.

The persistent hyaloid artery causes chronical local changes of eye background at both of our patients, retinal detachment and retinoschisis. The findings weren't accompanied by significant decrease of visual functions or subjective patient's complaints.

Considering the potential complications published in journals such as hemoftalmus or retinal vessel occlusion we decided to be more conservative. That's why we just checked-up the condition of the eye background and we were prepared to perform a surgery if necessary.rds: persistent hyaloid artery, tractional retinal detachment, retinoschisis