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Some aspects of the legacy of St. Augustine from an Orthodox perspective

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St. Augustine was endowed by God with a many - sided nature, and his life was full of the most varied labours.

Unfortunately St. Augustine was not a consecutive or homogenous thinker, but developed his convictions according to polemical needs.

In his controversy with the Donatists he had elaborated his Church system and in the controversy with the Pelagians he had thought out the novelties about predestination and original sin. The theology of St.

Augustine, and hence also that of the Middle Ages, was penetrated through and through with Dualism, and for the majority of people with practical despair. According to A.

J. Sopko St.

Augustine through his errors departed from Roman Orthodoxy and became the true father of scholasticism. Despite his errors he is venerated as a Saint in the Orthodox Church.