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The Codex Cuttenbergensis (Prague, National Museum - Czech Museum of Music, shelf-mark AZ 33) and its Relationship to theExtant Sources of the Rudolfine Music Chapel

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The chapter deals with the so-called Codex Cuttenbergensis (deposited in the music history department of the Prague National Museum - Czech Museum of Music, shelf-mark AZ 33) and its relationship to the extant sources of the Rudolfine music chapel, which are now kept in the Austrian National Library in Vienna (Mus. Ms. 15.946, 15.951 and 16.194).

The groups are compared on the basis of common codicological and palaeographic features as well as with regard to the repertoire they contain. In the first of the three concordant manuscripts (Mus.

Ms. 15.946) one can only determine a certain relationship, but no direct connection. Another two manuscripts (Mus.

Ms. 15.951 and 16.194), on the other hand, are already directly related to the Codex Cuttenbergensis. Among other things, thanks to the fact that they can be proven to have a common scribe - Leonhard Franz.

Based on a collation of the examined mass compositions, it can even be said that the Codex Cuttenbergensis may have served as a source for further copies of these works in the milieu of the Rudolfine court.