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New data on Garra makiensis (Cyprinidae, Labeoinae) from the Awash River (Ethiopia) with remarks on its relationships to congeners on the Arabian Peninsula

Publication at Faculty of Science |


On the African continent, the genus Garra consists of several species often insufficiently separated from each other by diagnostic characters. Herein, a detailed morphological redescription of Garra makiensis from the Awash River drainage is presented, together with additional data on the type specimens of G. makiensis and G. rothschildi.

Mitochondrial CO1 sequence data are also provided, including the historic paralectotype of G. makiensis, with a comparison to Garra species from Africa and the Middle East. Based on these sequences, G. makiensis clusters outside the group of African congeners and is a sister lineage to species from the south-east of the Arabian Peninsula.

Although morphologically variable, G. makiensis is characterised by having a single unbranched pectoral-fin ray, a short distance between vent and anal-fin origin (7.3-19.7 % of pelvic - anal distance), chest and belly covered with scales, and a prominent axillary scale at base of pelvic fin (18.8-35.5 % of pelvic-fin length).