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Hyperfine interactions in Fe/Co-B-Sn amorphous alloys by Mossbauer spectrometry

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Hyperfine interactions in Fe78B15Sn7 metallic glass with Co/Fe substitution were investigated by Mossbauer spectrometry. As-quenched samples were prepared by planar flow casting and subsequently annealed at 673 K for 30 min which is in the region of phase transformations determined by differential scanning calorimetry.

Magnetic thermogravimetry unveiled increase in Curie temperature after Co substitution. Structural analysis was performed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy.

The results show formation of primary bcc-Fe(Co) phase with proceeding nanocrystallization and indicate supersaturation of this phase with Sn. Hyperfine interactions between nuclei and electron shells were investigated by Mossbauer spectrometry at different temperatures and in external magnetic field.

Modifications of the short-range order are demonstrated mainly by deviations in the positions of the net magnetic moment. They are driven by nanocrystallization as well as temperature of measurement and/or presence of external magnetic field.