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Veteran trees of the Třeboňsko Protected Landscape Area - surroundings of Rožmberk fishpond and Lomnice nad Lužnicí

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This article is a continuation of the article about veteran trees of the northern part of the Třeboňsko Protected Landscape Area presented in the last issue. It includes a list of veteran trees (selected and described using similar methods) at neighbouring area: the surroundings of Lomnice nad Lužnicí town, Novosedly nad Nežárkou village and Rožmberk fishpond.

Veteran trees are an aesthetic natural monuments and witnesses of landscape history as well as an environment for several endangered species. At this area, only trees on the Rožmberk fishpond dam and few other trees are protected by Act No 114/1992 Sb. in the category "Památný strom/Monument tree" (and already documented and listed by the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic).

The core of the article a list of other veteran trees with similar characteristics and dimensions as the protected ones but yet mostly undescribed. Included is information about their geographical posi-tion, measured trunk girth usually at 130 cm height from the ground, basic description of the tree and selected photos.

The richest place in the area is the dam of the Rožmberk fishpond. The monumental oak tree alley here was documented repeatedly since 1970 s, therefore we can describe the evident gradual deterioration of the health status of these trees, probably as a consequence of the succession and canopy closure.

The largest are the well-known oaks in the locality Vitmanov (near Stará Hlína village). Aims of this study are: (1) to provide data about the trees and therefore allow comparison of the tree dimension with other regions (2) to set the basis for more effective protection of these trees (3) to record trees characteristics using comparable methods and to enable future investigation of possible temporal changes and hopefully also some assessment of the age and future perspectives of the trees.