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Life in Signs: Studies on the Works of John Deely

Publication at Faculty of Science, Faculty of Humanities |


John Deely (1942-2017) was an American semiotician, philosopher, and historian. Even though he is considered one of the most important semioticians of the 2nd half of the 20th century, his work has unfortunately not been widely discovered in the Czech academic sphere yet.

Therefore, the goal of this book is to present the basic introduction of the main ideas that float throughout Deely's extensive and extraordinary work for Czech readers and scholars. The first part of the book explains Deely's fundamental theses both on a theoretical and applied grounds, which must be conceived for a basic understanding of Deely's work.

These theses are then put into the critical discussion while comparing it with other domains both in philosophy and other human and social sciences. The last chapter is written by John Deely's long-term friend, dr.

Farouk Seif, and in a playful way, it introduces John Deely not only as a respected scholar but also as a joyful human being.