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Jan Hanuš's "Poselství" (The Legacy) - Looking for the Ideal Perspective

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The centerpiece of my dissertation project is Jan Hanuš's composition entitled "Poselství" (The Legacy), Op. 66, which arose as a reaction to the death of Jan Palach in 1969. After two years of doctoral studies and thorough practical and theoretical research of this composition, I am aware not only of the historical and artistic value of this work, but also that the topic of the dissertation would be too narrow should it remain focused exclusively on this piece.

There are a number of interesting overlaps and contexts in which the composition could fit. The question I am currently dealing with is what perspective to choose in the dissertation itself: to focus purely on Jan Hanuš's oeuvre and to place "Poselství" in the context of his cantata and oratorio compositions? To choose the theme of Jan Palach's legacy as a starting point and explore all vocal-instrumental works dedicated to Palach in the dissertation? To focus on the didactic potential of such works? To include all these aspects in the dissertation? Or just some? And which ones? These questions are the primary focus of my presentation.