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Fifty Years of the "Ethnic Groups and Boundaries"



On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of the prominent anthropological and ethnological publication "Ethnic Group and Boundaries", the Department of Ethnology of the Faculty of Arts at Charles University decided to organize a conference with the participation of several important researchers and theorists of the field (Prof. Gunnar Holland, Prof.

Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Prof. Miroslav Hroch), with the aim to recapitulate its contents, impacts, but above all its topicality not only in the field of ethnicity theory.

This review is intended to bring the content of the event, whose main aim was to recall the legacy of Professor Fredrik Barth, also followed by the newly published "Ethnic Groups and Boundaries Today: A Legacy of Fifty Years" published in cooperation with Professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Associate Professor Marek Jakoubek, which has been solemnly presented on this ceremonial event. In the name of Professor Barth, this review addresses the concept of ethnic groups and their character, with regard to the development and transformation of the so-called "shared cultures", especially under the influences of the currently forming boundaries, in a paradoxically global world.