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Constant slope, entropy, and horseshoes for a map on a tame graph

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We study continuous countably (strictly) monotone maps defined on a tame graph, i.e. a special Peano continuum for which the set containing branch points and end points has countable closure. In our investigation we confine ourselves to the countable Markov case.

We show a necessary and sufficient condition under which a locally eventually onto, countably Markov map f of a tame graph G is conjugate to a map g of constant slope. In particular, we show that in the case of a Markov map f that corresponds to a recurrent transition matrix, the condition is satisfied for a constant slope e(htop(f)), where e(htop(f))is the topological entropy of f.

Moreover, we show that in our class the topological entropy e(htop(f)) is achievable through horseshoes of the map f.