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Taking the power of plasmon-assisted chemistry on copper NPs: Preparation and application of COFs nanostructures for CO2 sensing in water

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


In this contribution, we report a novel, mild, and energy efficient approach for the preparation of covalent organic frameworks (COFs) at ambient conditions. For the first time, powerful plasmonic chemistry was applied for the synthesis of carbon triazine framework (CTF-1) on copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) as an alternative to common synthetic procedures, which are restricted by harsh experimental conditions and low throughput.

Plasmonic CuNPs were functionalized by 4-cyanophenyl groups, which were further used as anchoring groups for surface-assisted growth of CTF-1 under the illumination at wavelength corresponding to plasmon absorption band of CuNPs. Prepared CuNPs@CTF-1 structure exhibit core-shell nature and outstanding sensing properties for CO2 in water.

In the next step, the copper core was dissolved, and resulting CTF-1 powder with high surface area was isolated. Generally, our pioneering work demonstrates the power of plasmonic chemistry for unpretentious COF synthesis performed in mild and cheap manner without any special apparatus and harsh conditions, as well as for the preparation of applied sensing material.