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Immunotherapy in the bladder cancer treatment: long-term results

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Aim: BCG is an attenuated mycobacterium developed as a vaccine for tuberculosis that has demonstrated antitumor activity in BC (bladder cancer) intravesical instillation after comlete endoresection of tumor (TURT), and significantly reduces the progression risk of high grade NMIBC and CIS. Aim of article was an evaluation of 82 patients who underwent BCG procedure in our clinical center between 2001-2017.

Methods: We retrospectively evaluated age, gender, tumor size, smoking, CIS presence, recurrence and progression EORT score in time resection. Patients were divided to two groups: BCG success and BCG failure.

BCG failure group are patients with recurrence high grade tumor and CIS or with progression to MIBC or died due to bladder cancer during follow-up. Results: Time of follow-up was from 2 to 13 years.

BCG success was demonstrated by 68 % patients, and BCG failure by 32 % patients. There was recurrence in 23 % patients and progression in 9 %. 5 % patients died due to bladder cancer.

An average time to failure of BCG therapy was 10 months. Conclusion: We confirmed good clinical outcomes BCG instillation therapy for patients with high grade NMIBC and CIS with low rate side effects.