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Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Ivan Cankar (1876-1918) is a canonical author, the leading figure in Slovenian literature and culture in the 20th century. He was an influential author for all the other Slovenian authors even in his lifetime.

His works were widely read; he was the first author in the Slovenian language to be able to make a living exclusively from writing. Because of his great reception at the beginning of the 20th century, he is also known in the Czech Republic and the whole Central European area.

For these reasons, it is no coincidence that a collective volume on his work and its reception, entitled From Ljubljana to Vienna to Prague. Ivan Cankar and his Contemporaries, is being published in Prague.

The book is multilingual: it is written in Czech, Slovene and English. The title of the book underlines modernity and intertextuality of Cankar's work as well as the context of his art.

In the introduction we analyze also the reception of his work in the Czech culture.