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Romanian translators of the Czech literature

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First translations from Czech literature into the Romanian language appeared in the 19th century. In that time Jan Urban Jarník translated into Romanian the novel of Božena Němcová The Grandmother.

It was published in Transylvanian maga- zine Tribuna in the city of Sibiu thanks to Romanian writer Ioan Slavici. In the interwar period Romanians translated Czech writers like Karel Čapek or Otokar Březina etc. not directly from Czech, but through other languages.

The most famous translator of Czech literature, Jean Grosu (1919-2007), started his career after the Second World War. He translated works of the most important Czech writers of the 20th century (among others Jaroslav Hašek, Bohumil Hrabal, Václav Havel, Milan Kundera etc.).

Nowadays the "younger" generation of translators (Anca Irina Ionescu, Helliana Ian- culescu, Sorin Paliga and Mircea Dan Duță) continues in his effort.