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Holocaust of the Roma and Sinti on the Territory of Czechoslovakia



The text summarizes the key elements of the persecution of the Roma and Sinti during the Second World War on the territory of the 1918 Czechoslovak state, dismantled during 1938-1939. The fate of the local Roma and Sinti sub-sequently developed according to in which state they found themselves - the German Reich, the Protecto-rate of Bohemia and Moravia, Slovakia, or Hungary.

The text focuses on the fate of the Roma and Sinti from the Protectorate and war-time Slovak Republic. It introduces the chronology of persecution orders in each of the two territories and outlines the main elements of the wartime experience of the local Roman and Sinti.

For each of the two territories the text also includes information on the post-war remembrance activities and contemporary developments in the recognition and public commemoration of the fate of the Romani and Sinti victims of the Holocaust in CR and SR.