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Historical development of the population of Prague and its suburbs in the first half of the 20th century, residential and industrial suburbs. Group of specialized maps



The aim of the set of specialized maps is to capture and present the development of six Prague districts - industrial and residential suburbs, which developed mainly in the interwar period. The map is based on statistical data from historical population censuses in the years 1843 (Palacký's description) to 2011 (the last population census, which was digitized within the project and uses spatial data (shp) also created for the purposes of the project).

The project makes historical statistical and spatial data available in electronic form to the professional public, the specialized map then works with the data, cartographically displays and interprets them, thus expanding the circle of users to the general public. The specific objective of the specialized map is to describe and explain the urban, spatial, demographic and socio-economic development of the six selected districts.

The main attention is focused on the development of the population, houses and flats since 1843 and subsequently in all available population censuses and population inventories, with the last year of records 2019. The aim is to compare the age structure of the population since the industrial revolution in three time sections of 2019.

The set of specialized maps is a synthetic representation of the development of urban, demographic, geographical and socio-economic development of six industrial and residential suburbs of Prague - Nusle, Krče, Záběhlice, Braník, Břevnov and Dejvice. Statistical data that have not yet been synthetically processed in any publication are presented.

It is based on manually transcribed data from statistical lexicons and other data sources, and spatial data were newly created (cadastral area boundaries in different time sections and changing spatial units of the internal division of the district - census districts, urban districts). Each map sheet consists of four map elements and four graphic elements, individual legends, an overview showing the geographical location of the district in the city of Prague and imprints with basic information about the authors of the thematic map design, cartographic and graphic processing, affiliation and dedication II.