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Psychometric properties of CSIV (Circumplex Scales of Interpersonal Values) in the Czech population

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Objectives. The thin of the study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Czech version of the Circumplex Scales of Interpersonal Values (CSIV), a measure of social motives, and to generate Czech norms for the interne population to aid future applications of the measure.

Sample and settings. An online questionnaire was administered to 2698 respondents, of which 2574 (34.77% men, 65.23% women) submitted complete, valid questionnaires and were thus included in the analyses. 2343 respondents (35.25% men, 64.75% women) also completed the BFI-44 questionnaire.

Statistical catalysis. Scale reliabilities were computed using Cronbach alphas and McDonald's omegas.

The CSIV octant scales' circumplex structure was tested using correlations, a randomization test of order relations, and structural equation modelling. Gender differences were tested using Welch's t-tests and Holm method.

Separate norms (means. standard deviations and quartiles) were computed for each gender subgroup. Results.

The Czech version of the CSIV showed good psychometric properties. The Cronbach's alphas of the individual scales range between 0.733 and 0.845.

The McDonald's omegas of the individual scales range between 0.738 and 0.848. The first two components in the PCA explain 66.67% of the variance, and all circumplex structure criteria were met.

There were significant and theoretically sensible correlations of the social values or goals assessed by the CSIV and the behavioural dispositions assessed by the BFI-44. Study limitation.

The study is limited by the absence of test-retest reliability data. The conclusions are based on self-reported data as part of the online study.