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Modernization in installments. Society in the Czech Lands (1770-1918)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The significant milestones of the social modernization in the Czech Lands at this time are expressed in the chapter titles of this monograph: 1. Enlightened reason as a new authority, 1770-1815. 2.

Pre-March society: from seeming peace to occasional unrest, 1815-1848. 3. From revolution drama to neo-absolutistic reforms, 1848-1860. 4.

Civil society and coalition potential of liberalism, 1860-1890/93. 5. The allure of democratization and its pitfalls, 1890/93-1914. 6.

War suffering and finis Austriae, 1914-1918. The author holds the opinion that one of the most important effects of the modernization was the democratization of the society in the Czech Lands.

On the other hand although the number of human actors taking active part in the public affairs rose in larger extent above all after 1890, the search for social stability consensus became more problematic than in the concept of liberal civil society before this year.