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Vrstevnice. : Some Slovak-Czech lexical pieces dedicated to the jubilee

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Hana Gladkova's anniversary offers an opportunity to touch the topic of Slavic lexical asymmetry on the base of Slovak-Czech interlingual homonymy. The theme is introduced on the example of the lexeme vrstevnice with different lexical paradigmatic relations in the lexical fields of the two languages.

In Czech there are lexemes vrstevnice1 ("contour line") and vrstevnice2 (feminative to vrstevník - "peer") while in Slovak there is a different relation of the lexemes vrstevnica ("contour line") and vrstovníčka/rovesníčka ("peer"). The lexical analysis is slightly interconnected with the question of the social importance of peerness, induced by the personal relation of Hana Gladkova and the author.