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Interaction with parents as a source of teacher's stress

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The purpose of the study is to describe the factors identified by primary school teachers as a source of stress in contact with parents. Structure: In the first part, research activities in the area of teacher stress in recent decades are maped.

The second part deals with research methodology - thematic analysis of data and description of sample respondents (45 interviews from 12 primary schools). The third part presents the results of the survey, the fourth part deals with the discussion and the fifth part with the practical recommendations.

Findings: On the background of the theory is the teacher's causality of the child's problems (teacher blames parents for child problems as a defense mechanism against frustration and stress). The central category of the source of stress is mutual communication and some of its aspects: the frequency of communication, its content and direction, the balance of communication power and its documentation.

Then, in vivo, the term "Annoying parent - ranger" arises, in which inappropriate frequency (too often), content (emotionally and critically) as well as the direction of communication (from parent to school) are multiplied with unwanted support from institutions and the needs to document everything. "Annoying parent - ranger" is a concentrate of teacher stress. Conclusions: Most of the stressors described in communication with parents appear in studies published after the year 2000, it is rather a cumulation of phenomena and their deepening, what we discovered.

Practical recommendations are formulated: themes related to family and school and communication in stress situations for undergraduate studies, introducing supervision into schools and systemic support for teachers.