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An Analysis of a Web Presentation of the Information Campaign "You Live Because Your Parents Wanted You" from the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis

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Applying tools of CDA on texts published on an anti-abortion, teenager-targeting campaign web site, the article unveils a deeply engrained sexist bias in the language that conveys the campaign's goals as well as in the argumentative contents of the texts concerned. Sexism on both these levels leads to a severe invisibilization of women within the web presentation although the issue discussed pertains to women and female bodies mainly.

Further the article analyzes potential implications of the campaign?s arguments for women and their right to decide about their bodies. Since the translation of the web?s domain into English is ?freedom of choice? and the right of informed choice is promoted by the web, the analysis of the campaign-explicating texts provides evidence, however, that the opposite is the campaign?s utter aim; that is, an absolute refusal of abortions per se.