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GeCzLex: Lexicon of Czech and German Anaphoric Connectives

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


We introduce the first version of GeCzLex, an online electronic resource for translation equivalents of Czech and German discourseconnectives. The lexicon is one of the outcomes of the research on anaphoricity and long-distance relations in discourse, it containsat present anaphoric connectives (ACs) for Czech and German connectives, and further their possible translations documented inbilingual parallel corpora (not necessarily anaphoric).

As a basis, we use two existing monolingual lexicons of connectives: the Lexiconof Czech Discourse Connectives (CzeDLex) and the Lexicon of Discourse Markers (DiMLex) for German, interlink their relevantentries via semantic annotation of the connectives (according to the PDTB 3 sense taxonomy) and statistical information of translationpossibilities from the Czech and German parallel data of the InterCorp project. The lexicon is, as far as we know, the first bilingualinventory of connectives with linkage on the level of individual entries, and a first attempt to sys