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SynSemClass Linked Lexicon: Mapping Synonymy between Languages

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


This lexicon stores cross-lingual semantically similar verb senses in synonym classes extracted from a richly annotated parallel corpus, the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank. When building the lexicon, we make use of predicate-argument relations (valency) and link them to semantic roles; in addition, each entry is linked to several external lexicons of more or less "semantic" nature, namely FrameNet, WordNet, VerbNet, OntoNotes and PropBank, and Czech VALLEX.

The aim is to provide a linguistic resource that can be used to compare semantic roles and their syntactic properties and features across languages within and across synonym groups (classes, or 'synsets'), as well as gold standard data for automatic NLP experiments with such synonyms, such as synonym discovery, feature mapping, etc. However, perhaps the most important goal is to eventually build an event type ontology that can be referenced and used as a human-readable and human-understandable "database" for all types of events, processes