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NomVallex 1.0 - Valency Lexicon of Nouns



The NomVallex I. lexicon describes valency of Czech deverbal nouns belonging to three semantic classes, namely Communication (e.g. dotaz 'question'), Mental Action (e.g. plán 'plan') and Psych State (e.g. nenávist 'hatred'). It covers stem-nominals (e.g. dotazování 'asking') as well as root-nominals (e.g. dotaz 'question').

It captures all lexical meanings of the nouns, differentiating between basic "categorial" meanings of action (e.g. žádání (si) 'asking', dovtípení (se) 'inferring'), abstract result of an action (e.g. žádost 'request'), property / quality (e.g. důvtip 'ingenuity'), material object (e.g. pohled 'postcard'), or container / quantity (e.g. počet 'number'). Nouns matching the following criteria were included in the lexicon: its semantic class is either Communication, Mental Action or Psych State, its categorial meaning is action or abstract result of an action, and it exhibits non-systemic valency behaviour (especially non-systemic forms of participants) in at least one of its meanings.