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Živnostenská Bank and Electrical engineering joint-stock company, formerly Kolben & Co. in Prague 1898-1914: An example of an analysis of a community of interest within a banking group

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This paper analyses the relationship between Živnostenská Bank in Prague and Electrical engineering joint-stock company, formerly Kolben & Co. in Prague and its position in the bank's group in the period 1898-1914. The capital share of Živnostenská Bank in the company and its influence on general meetings is examined.

Furthermore, the article deals with how the bank participated in the administration and control of the company through its representatives on the board of directors and supervisory committee. Attention is also paid to the financing of Kolben's company by Živnostenská Bank and the cooperation of both entities in the field of the electrical engineering industry.

The work is based primarily on archival material.