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Renaissance Ideal of Beauty: Titian's Woman With a Mirror

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This paper deals with art-scientific description, analysis and interpretation of Titian s canvas Woman with a Mirror (1512-1515) from the Prague Castle Picture Gallery (Obrazárna Pražského hradu). The paper applies iconographic approach to the interpretation of mo-tifs as well as to historic, fine art and literal sources of inspiration and influences.

Attention is paid particularly to the motifs of the mirror, reflection and the Renaissance ideal woman in the context of the period fashion, body care and corporal beauty. In this context, the paper also describes and analyses the creation of the female half-length portrait as artistic innovation in the works by Venetian masters from the first third of the 16th century.

The paper does not omit other versions and variations of this canvas from Titian's workshop or painters who followed up with their works Woman with a Mirror. In the last part, the paper presents the acquisition history of the canvas and its occurrence in the Rudolf II' collection at the Prague Castle