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Perculiarities of the proprial nomination

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The monograph outlines the features of the proprial nomination, understood both as a process and a result of linguistic activity. The accepted theoretical formulations of functional onomastics and their combination with other theoretical and methodological approaches and aspects (onomasiological-semasiological, descriptive-grammatical, quantitative, linguo-cultural, etc.) make it possible to consider fundamental problems, concerning the interrelations between forms, semantics, grammatical categories, and functions of the proper names, to comprehend the onymic nominations along the line system - norm - usus, taking into account the dynamics between the appellate and proprial spheres, and hence, the dynamics in the lexicon as a whole.

The versatile nature of the processes of proprialisation, transonymisation and appellation creates an opportunity for carrying out a synchronous comparative study, which, in this development, is done mainly on linguistic material from Bulgarian and Czech and with regard to three types of onymical objects, distinguished in the proprial taxonomy by the features person, place, and object, namely - anthroponyms, toponyms, and chrematonyms. Other directions for future research, promising in terms of development of Bulgarian onomastics and comparative studies are outlined as well.