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Reflections on emergency teaching: distance lectures of the subject basics of didactics

Publication at Faculty of Education |


An unexpected situation, information chaos and an effort to select and process the most important things as quickly as possible; these characteristics are common both to the preparation of this text and to the events it describes. In helping professions in a similar situation, we talk about a parallel process, where the process is played from one relationship to another.

What happens in one system at one point at a time can be replayed in another system, at another time and with another person.2 Reflection of this process helps to raise awareness and influence the situation, which is why we take this unconventional challenge of Pedagogical magazine. orientations wished and we would like to thank the editors for their courage. From a didactic point of view, the sudden closure of universities on 11 March 2020 can be understood as a problematic task for all involved, ie as an intersection of a new, uncertain and difficult situation (Maňák & Švec, 2003).

Polya (1957, in Skalková, 2007, p. 159) defined four phases of the heuristic process of solving a problem situation: (1) understanding the problem and conditions, naming the given and the unknown; (2) drawing up a plan - the most difficult part; (3) continuous verification and improvement of steps; (4) systematization of methods that can be used in the future. We will structure our text according to these four phases.