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Granting Lordship and Admission to the Estate of Lords as both the Peak and the Epilogue of Rájeckýs' of Mírov Family History

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The study is concerned with the last member of the Moravian noble family Rájeckýs of Mírov. In the year 1602, Jan Rájecký of Mírov received an imperial decree proclaiming him a lord.

However, this privilege did not mean he really became a member of higher nobility - he had to be accepted by other lords at the Land Diet. It took place at the beginning of the next year, but in Bohemia instead of Moravia.

A few weeks later he unexpectedly died, so his promotion and admission were the epilogue of the family history at the same time. The study particularizes Jan's biographical data and explains the legal relevance of individual acts related to his social rise.