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The Christian Faith under the Fire of Reason: Ali b. Yahya b. al-Munajjim (died in 888) and his proof of the truth of Islam

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


The paper presents the analysis of one of the muslim treatise about the prophetic status of Muhammad (nubuwah) and the miraculous characteristic of the Qur'an (iʻjaz al-qurʼan) by using the philosophical reasons and methods (e.g. by a syllogisms). This muslim treatise was created in the 9th century (by members of persian family al-Munajjim).

It is kind of a letter to Christians with an friendly incentive to convert to Islam. In paper is an analysis after the introduction (with presentation of the authors, manuscripts and editions).

In conclusion author tries to answer why violent coercion to faith prevails today rather than rational verbal controversy. And he notices shining examples of intellectual controversy in modern Islam (persons: M.

Abduh, A. Mokrani; documents: A Common Word, On Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together).