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Study Technology: Where Scientology Religion and Educational Science Come Together

Publication at Hussite Theological Faculty |


"Study technology" is one of "technologies" resulting from lectures and writings of Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, a writer, known especially as the founder of Scientology religion. In the same way as other Hubbard's spoken or written discourses, study technology plays the role of a sacred text for Scientologists.

The chapter describes this technology, which includes some basic pedagogical principles, and shows some ways, how Scientologists make use of it both for themselves and for the public. Examples of the usage intended for public are taken from Czechia and Slovakia.

The chapter concludes by presenting critical observations concerning study technologies. At the very end, the author's conviction is expressed that the relative success of study technology can be attributed mainly to the enthusiastic effort of committed Scientologists to prove the validity and reliability of the sacred texts that have been entrusted to them.