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Looking for the causal values of as and since in large corpora, and how these values compare with each other


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This paper incorporates a few parts from a presentation given during the linguistics workshop at the annual Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur Conference (Université du Sud-Toulon Var, 4th-6th June 2015). I wish to thank the organisers D.

Boulonnais, L. Dufaye and G.

Girard, and more particularly P. Miller for putting me in touch with anonymous reviewers regarding this very early stage of the present work, whose feedback has helped it evolve into the distinctly different present version.

I also wish to thank my colleagues from the UMR 7320 Bases, Corpus, Langage CNRS research laboratory, J.-M. Merle and D.

Mayaffre, for their advice and encouragement regarding the present paper. Still, I remain of course solely responsible for any mistakes or inconsistencies.