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External quality control of CD34+ cell assessment in Czech and Slovak Republic - long-term experience from eight years

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Determination of CD34+ cells by flow cytometry is a basic method for assessing the quality of hematopoietic stem cell grafts and for planning their collection by leukapheresis. This method is based on multiparameter flow cytometry and is well-standardized internationally.

The EQA program for CD34 + quantification has been available in the Czech and the Slovak Republic since 2010 with more than 20 laboratories involved. Evaluation of the 8-year experience has shown an excellent long-term success of participating laboratories ranging between 80-100 %, with sporadic fluctuations.

Some of the participants who have been involved in the program from the beginning, achieve even 90% success rates. Reproducibility of measurement results is highly dependent on the amount of CD34+ cells in the sample.

CV oscillates around 10 % if the CD34+ count is 10/μL or higher and increases by dozens of percent below this level. The program plays an important role in harmonizing CD34+ determination between transplant centres and increases the likelihood of obtaining accurate and comparable results. (C) 2019, Czech Medical Association J.E.

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