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Karyotypes of Southeastern Turkish Scorpions Hottentotta saulcyi and Buthacus macrocentrus (Scorpiones: Buthidae)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The species Hottentotta saulcyi is widely distributed from Mardin to Hakkari while the distribution of Buthacus macrocentrus is limited to the south-east of Turkey (only Şanlıurfa). The aim of this study is to analyze the cytogenetic structure of Hottentotta saulcyi and Buthacus macrocentrus.

Materials and Methods: The specimens were collected during the night from Şırnak and Şanlıurfa using a UV lamp. The male Hottentotta saulcyi were collected from Şırnak and male and female Buthacus macrocentrus from Şanlıurfa.

Chromosome preparations were made using cells from the male testes and the female ovariuteri of the species studied. Chromosome preparations were made using the classical spreading method.

Results: The diploid chromosome number for Hottentotta saulcyi was 2n=14, and 2n=28 for Buthacus macrocentrus. Conclusion: The karyotypes of Hottentotta saulcyi and Buthacus macrocentrus have been presented for the first time.

Both analyzed species have holocentric chromosomes that gradually decrease in size. Quadrivalent and hexavalent were observed during the first meiotic division in males of Buthacus macrocentrus.