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Preparation of bulk Ti-15Mo alloy using cryogenic milling and spark plasma sintering

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Gas atomized Ti-15Mo alloy powder was processed by cryogenic milling. Both initial gas atomized and milled powders were consolidated by spark plasma sintering at temperatures ranging from 750 degrees C to 850 degrees C for 1 and 3 min.

Microstructure of the sintered samples was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), chemical contamination was determined by carrier gas hot extraction (CGHE) method and phase composition was investigated by X-ray diffraction. Cryogenic milling resulted in severe plastic deformation of initially spherical particles, changing their shape, but without a significant decrease of particle size.

The milled powder achieved the full density after sintering at 750 degrees C, while 850 degrees C was required for a full densification of the initial powder. The amount of a phase was higher in the sintered milled powder, while the sintered non-milled powder contained significant amount of (a phase.

It was shown that an ultrafine-grained two-phase microstructure can be produced by a combination of cryogenic milling and spark plasma sintering.