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The Czech borderlands : from a peripheral national position to a stable element of European integration

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


Research on the Czech borderlands - geographical, sociological and political science approaches. Historical-political and territorial context of the development of the Czech borderland within Europe.

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the Czech borderland - integrating versus differentiating aspects of border regions, changes in the impact of border effects on the development of the Czech borderland, transformation of the Czech borderland in confrontation with Central European core regions. Situational analysis of the Czech border region - definition, environmental aspects, demographic and settlement aspects, cultural-social and economic aspects.

Multidisciplinarity of research on the Czech borderland. Application level - approach of the decimation sphere.

Regional Development Strategy and Spatial Development Policy. Cross-border cooperation.

Border sections and operational programmes of cross-border cooperation. Cross-border concepts.

Euroregions as drivers of cross-border cooperation. Micro-regional and local level - associations of municipalities, twin towns.

Selected cross-border cooperation projects.