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A group of Russian-Jewish immigrant women in the Czech Republic Intersection of identities - Russian, Jewish and Czech. Research reflection after 10 years

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Dr. Moravcová was a fundamental person for my academic work.

Under her guidance, in 2011 I collected for my bachelor's thesis entitled "Group of Russian-Jewish Immigrant Women in the Czech Republic Intersection of Identities - Russian, Jewish and Czech". I successfully defended my work in 2012.

The topic of my research was the problem of constructing the identity of immigrants who come to the Czech Republic with an already established dual identity and in the host country are under the new cultural influence of the majority (Czech) society. I followed the chosen problem on the example of a friends group of Russian-Jewish immigrant women who came to the Czech Republic in the 1990s and have already established strong relationships in the Czech cultural environment within their own peer group: Russian, Jewish and Czech.

The period of presence in the Czech Republic was long enough for a possible transformation of the initial dual identity. In my research, I focused on the intersection of three identities: Russian, Jewish and Czech.

I followed this intersection on self-declaration in ethnicity, on the ties of a selected Russian-Jewish friendly group to superior peer groups in Russian, Jewish and Czech, and on their relationship to fiests of Russian, Jewish and Czech society. Now, exactly ten years after the end of the research, I have re-established contact with the informants and reflect on what has changed in their lives and testimonies since my original research.