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Current role of evoked potentials in multiple sclerosis diagnostics and monitoring

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Evoked Potentials (EP) represent relatively sensitive but less specific method in particular central nervous subsystems lesions diagnostics. Although the method does not bring additional value to prove Dissemination in Space (DIS), their indication might be helpful in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients.

This article aims to provide an overview of commonly used EP modalities in the settings of MS (visual, somatosensory, motor, brain stem acoustic) regarding to the diagnostics and monitoring of disease course of particular MS forms. Somatosensory (SEP) and Motor (MEP) EP are the most sensitive methods in diagnostics of conduction abnormity relevant to MS due to the length of the pathways they measure.

Evoked potentials seem to be the strongest predictor of disability in patients with primary progressive MS. Even though the current role of evoked potentials in MS diagnostics is massively replaced by magnetic resonance imaging.

EP still remain a suitable method for prediction of disease course and novel drug trials monitoring.